A Week of Growing in Patience
“Now the parable is
this: The seed is the Word of God. Those by the wayside are the ones who hear;
then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they
should believe and be saved. But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear,
receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and
in time of temptation fall away. Now the ones that fell among thorns are those
who, when they have heard, go out and are choked with cares, riches, and
pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity. But the ones that fell on
the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good
heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.” Luke 8:11-15
Now I know that this verse is talking about salvation but I
think that it can be applicable to the lives of the believer also. As a
follower of Christ my heart should reflect the last example. My heart should be
ready to accept anything that the Lord is showing me. And because my heart has
been prepared for God’s Word, I will take it and apply it to my life so I may
bear good fruits.
But I don’t always fall into that category. Many times after
morning devotion, I will go out and the cares of the world will choke out the
truths that the Lord showed me that morning. This can happen through me just
getting distracted during the middle of worship and then the enemy condemns me.
Or if somebody who I trusted turns out to be untrustworthy and I don’t love
others like the Lord has told me. This is probably one of my greatest struggles.
Another way the Word will not penetrate my heart is by I
just don’t meditate on it. I think it is really cool in the morning but for the
rest of the day I just put it aside to continue on in the “real” world. I again
do not apply it to my life.
The last way that my heart will not be suitable for God’s
word is I simply do not listen. I don’t like what the Lord is saying or it
might be too painful so I just let it fall by the wayside. This is one of the
most dangerous places for me to be. To
know what is good and to not do it, for him it is sin. The Holy Spirit convicts
and I quench him. My will become hard when I do this.
“By your patience possess your souls.” Luke
This verse for me is a difficult one. The funny thing about
this verse is that it took patience to learn about a verse talking about
patience. And the thing about this verse is that the word possess is the word
that stood out. I normally do not think of positive things when the word
possess is mentioned. I normally think of a demon possessed person. That is
just where my thoughts head.
But to possess is to have control over. When someone is
demon possessed they are being controlled by a demon. And when I own something
that is fully mine it is my possession. So what does this have to do with
patience? Well let patience possess your souls.
I think that James said it quite well in James 1:4, “But let
patience have its perfect work that you may be perfect and complete, lacking
nothing.” Both of these verses in context are talking about trials that we are
going to face. And how we will overcome them is with patience. When we let
patience take control and to a work in our lives we will overcome. Because we
know where our hope is from and we know that we were not left as orphans but
God is with us. So when difficulties come I don’t have to be anxious, I don’t
have to worry, I can be patient knowing that God said this would happen and
that he would be going through this with me.
Like Warren Weirsbie said God calls, he enables and he walks
through it with you. But do I knowing this let patience possess my soul?
Normally I don’t because I am too worried that God will leave me. I need to let
God give me patience to go through whatever life throws at me.
“Strengthened with
all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering
with joy.” Colossians 1:11
Patience and longsuffering with an attitude of joy is
something we need. It’s not true patience and longsuffering if in you’re mind
you are complaining, and letting a root of bitterness spring up in your heart.
Even if on the outward you look patient because you are saying the right things
about how the Lord is teaching your patience. God looks at the inward and he
knows that true patience and longsuffering need to be accompanied by a heart of
But the issue is where do we get that joy? Do we just think
happy thoughts? Or is it something that we have to strive for? Well the verse
says that we need to be strengthened with all might according to HIS glorious
power. He is the one with the power that
we draw from so that way we may be strengthened. It is not of ourselves lest
any man should boast.
I normally am not joyful while God is teaching me patience
and long suffering. In fact if I was honest I would say that I hate being taught
patience. Mainly because I have very little of it and I normally am the one
trying to strive for it. I do not lean on him and ask for true patience. I may
“pray” for it but it is normally mumbled under my breath in this format, “God
PLEASE give me patience.” And it is normally referring to someone in front of
me that is just plain annoying. I truly need to be praying for true patience
not just in the moment of pure frustration.
“I, John, both your
brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus
Christ, was on this island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for
the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Revelation 1:9
It’s funny how whenever patience is mentioned it is
accompanied by the words, trial or tribulations. Even in the context of this
verse there are a ton or trials and tribulations that have gotten John to
Patmos. You see, John would not stop sharing the love of Jesus so they decided
to kill him. They put him in boiling oil and he did not die. They tried to
silence him by sending him to an island that prisoners were kept. But while
here John wrote the final book of the Bible Revelation.
John the Apostle had gone through a lot of persecution and
had watched as one by one all of the apostles were killed. But yet he had
patience and endurance to keep on going. Why? Well the verse says it, “your
brother and companion in tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ,”
John knew the end result was the kingdom with Jesus. When
you take the sufferings of this world and compare them to what awaits us in
heaven. Why would we not endure? He is our prize! That is why we run the race
with endurance!
Even when things come to distract us from heaven like the
death of a loved one or people coming against us or just plain loneliness. If
we keep our eyes on the goal, we will overcome. Because heaven reminds us that
we have overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimony.
We are going to see Jesus, so run!
“that you do not
become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the
promises.” Hebrews 6:12
It is the natural thing for a runner to slow down after
running for a long time. The person’s muscles become tired and it might begin
to seem like your lungs will explode at any moment. It is natural.
On our own strength and ability we will get tired. We will
become sluggish. Every time we see a great man or woman fall in the Bible it
was because they were operating in their own strength. And with all due
honesty, human strength is feeble and it will give out. It is natural.
But we are not called to walk in the natural man, we are
called to walk in the Spirit. When we are completely reliant on the Power of
the Holy Spirit, we will not grow sluggish because we are uses His power which
will not run out.
But the problems that I often try to do things in my own
strength because I want to prove myself. And every time I do this I get tired
and I normally will end up giving up. But I am kind of tired of giving up, so I
truly need to draw strength from the Lord so I can break this vicious cycle
that seems to work its way into every aspect of my life.
Like this verse says I need to imitate those who have gone
before me who draw strength from the Lord and endured. And I can find those
people in the Bible (ex: The Hall of Faith) or even in books about heroes of
the faith. Why would I not follow their example if they have found the key to
running the race with endurance?
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