“But to him who does not work but believes on Him who
justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, just as David
also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness
apart from works: Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose
sins are covered; Blessed is the man to whom the LORD shall not impute
Romans 4:5-8
#blessed is popping up everywhere. It almost seems like a cliché
thing to use now. People use it for a variety of different things from a hot
caramel latte to a loved. As I sit here in my little apartment in Costa Rica eating
popcorn as I wait for my clothes to dry and for dinner to cook I can honestly
say I feel blessed. In fact, I have been feeling very #blessed these last three
days. But right before I can pat myself on the back I am reminded of the last
two weeks. Thinking about these last two weeks makes me step off my pedestal.
When I first stepped into my apartment in Costa Rica I was
so stoked to see a queen sized bed and a place to put my clothes. Then
Cassandra asked a few very important questions, “Where is the Fridge? Where are
the pots and pans? Where is your dinnerware?” My heart immediately sank as I
looked toward where those precious items should have been. My apartment that
was once beautiful was now a huge disappointment. I was not feeling #blessed.
For two weeks I would dread walking into my apartment because
the items had not arrived. Things were pretty bleak until about three days ago.
Three days ago I starting to receive these missing items. First a gas tank for
the stove, then pots and pans, then dinnerware, and finally THE FRIDGE! Looking
back at the first paragraph I said, “I have been feeling very #blessed these
last three days”. Now do you see what is wrong with this picture? I only felt
#blessed when my circumstances were ideal. That is not even close to being
The word blessed is used 292 in the NKJV Bible. The word “blessed”
as used in the verses above is makarios in the Greek and literally means happy. So why should we be happy
according to Paul? I should be happy because I am forgiven from my sins because
they have been covered by Jesus And because they have been covered they will
not be counted against me. As a Christian, I was not promised ideal circumstances.
I am promised that if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in
my heart that God raised Him from the dead that I will be saved (Romans 10:9). I
also promised that He has gone to prepare a place for me and He will come back
to get me (John 14:2-3). Is there anything that is more glorious? Is there
anything that can could put a bigger smile on your face?
I am forgiven! I am
going to heaven! That has not changed. Every second of every day that I am here
on earth I am #blessed. All the other things that God chooses to give me are
sprinkles on top. So I guess it would be #sprinkles.
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