God is Working
“So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who
waters, but God who gives the increase.”
1 Corinthians 3:7
In the middle of
the battle it can be hard to see the progress that you have made. You can feel
like you are losing and that everything you are doing is pointless. Will you
ever see victory? Or have you fought in vain?
I will be honest.
Week after week of outreaches and talking to so many people I began to wonder
if what we were doing was even making a difference. I was starting to get so
discouraged and then it was announced that we would be doing an outreach at
night. My first thought was, “Who in the world is going to want to stop and
listen to the gospel on Saturday night in a tourist city? They are just going
to walk by and go to the clubs and restaurants and ignore us.” But being the
good missionary I am I began to help get everything ready for this outreach.
Outwardly it looked like I was totally into what was going on but inwardly
doubt had taken over.
So we get to arch
street and set everything up. And before we had even started a group had
started to form. Then we went on to perform two worship songs, did drama and
then shared the gospel and our testimonies. But even though people stayed the
entire time I was still captured by doubt. So I watched as people began talking
to people after the message and I saw a little girl holding a baby. I just
couldn’t help myself I had to go over. We began talking just about life and
after a while she looked at me and asked, “Are you Christian?”
My heart sank. I
just knew that she was probably Catholic and as soon as I said I was Christian
all relationship would be lost. But I responded in the affirmative and asked if
she was Catholic.
“No, I am
Christian too! I used to be Catholic but one day in the bus a lady sat next to
me and started to tell me about Jesus. She was Christian. Then a week later I
was in the park and another Christian came up to me and started to talk to me
about the difference between Christians and Catholics. So I decided to ask
Jesus in my heart. And now here you guys are a week later.”
I was floored.
God in that moment spoke to me so clearly. It was Him doing the work and it is
not dependent on me. It is in His hands. That woman on the bus has no idea that
the words she spoke planted seeds in that girl’s heart. The person in the park
has no idea that this little girl actually meant the prayer and that God would
send other people into her life. What we see is so very little of what God is
doing. So don’t lose heart in the battle because He has already won.
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