God is Working
“So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.” 1 Corinthians 3:7 In the middle of the battle it can be hard to see the progress that you have made. You can feel like you are losing and that everything you are doing is pointless. Will you ever see victory? Or have you fought in vain? I will be honest. Week after week of outreaches and talking to so many people I began to wonder if what we were doing was even making a difference. I was starting to get so discouraged and then it was announced that we would be doing an outreach at night. My first thought was, “Who in the world is going to want to stop and listen to the gospel on Saturday night in a tourist city? They are just going to walk by and go to the clubs and restaurants and ignore us.” But being the good missionary I am I began to help get everything ready for this outreach. Outwardly it looked like I was totally into what was going on but inwardly doubt had taken over. ...